Superweapons, Deterrents, and Contingency Plans

   Superweapons probably aren't just reserved for Hollywood movies. If we were to use some reasoning skills, we can deduce, knowing how governments think, our level of technological advancement, and the objectives of a nation's armed forces, that the United States government probably has an arsenal of weapons that many of us can only imagine, some of which are much more advanced then we know, and some the civilian world doesn't think exists and may not think could actually be possible.

     You don't give away your hand at a poker table, and as a result the U.S. military wouldn't disclose certain weapons and technology to the public in order to protect their investment and strategic advantage the weapons give. Now all of this is purely hypothetical, but if I were a government or military leadership I would most definitely invest in weapons and technologies that are creative and innovative whose utility could give my country a strategic advantage in war and I would know the advantages of not telling anyone about them. 

Secret weapons and superweapons are a massive deterrent against a foreign aggressor. Even not-so-secret weapons like thermonuclear bombs are a deterrent through the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction. Factor in creative weaponry your enemies don't know about, and you have an even stronger deterrent against aggression. Even the psychological effect of just hinting at the possibility of a secret weapon has a deterring factor against threats.

     Another use of certain superweapons and secret weapons is that of contingency plans. Coupled with strategy and tactics, certain weapons can be used as a contingency in case certain dangerous scenarios start playing out. Prepping for a worst case scenario and how to manage it is a staple of military training and exercises, and secret weapons and comprehensive strategies can play a huge part of contingency plans and mitigating the fallout of dangerous and unpredictable scenarios.

        One thing I know is that if you can weaponize something, the military has weaponized it. God knows how many creative and advanced weapons our government has in its arsenal.


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