When Terror Entered My World
When Terror entered my world
His blackened claws tore at my dreams
His vicious words cut at my spirit
His twisted imagination collapsed wonders of the world
His corruption warped my mind and my thoughts
His weapons of war spilled the blood of countless innocents
When Terror entered my world
I was a young boy
The spectre of Terror and his dark presence
Has been in the background of my mind
My entire life
Terror takes pleasure in death
Finds glory in wickedness
He relishes the collapse of empires
He savors the destruction of lives
He thoroughly enjoys the chaos
He loves hate and seeing things die
He is a poison of the mind
A cancer of the soul
He is a blackened insanity
He is all some people know
If there is one agency I'd destroy
That evil Terror, it would be him
He's been in my life since I was a boy
If it were up to me, he'd never breathe again
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