Warfare and Oppression
Warfare is often a direct result of as well as a cause of oppression and slavery. It has been so since the dawn of history. Oppression is a deprivation of freedom or the autonomy and choice-making ability of individuals by a government or authority, which naturally leads to tension between the authorities and those being oppressed.
Oppression generally leads to conflict over time, and it is not a very sustainable long term approach to control. Both the feeling of oppression as well as the actual state of being oppressed is not a very comfortable feeling for people, since it is the theft of a very basic human right and desire; the desire for freedom. The desire for freedom is wired in the psyche and biology of human beings, and to be robbed of freedom is to be robbed of one of the core, essential, fundamental components of conscious experience.
Freedom is essential for a well-rounded fulfilling life. Choice and opportunity are one of the few things that make life in this lost and dying world more bearable and more enjoyable. Liberty in all its forms should be a protected, fundamental human right in all the nations of the earth.
The abomination of slavery and the crime of oppression by governments are scourges of humanity and affronts to God himself. If you don't share my religious sentiment, they are affronts to the human condition. Oppression leads to resentment towards authority, the desire for revenge, and these things more often than not lead to rebellion and war.
Because the desire for freedom is so ingrained in our nature, oppression and slavery are not viable systems in the long term, and eventually systems that run antithetical to liberty break down and destabilize over time, often because of conflict and war.
Oppression will lead to war faster than probably any other human arrangement of power or state of affairs in a nation. History has shown this time and again. There is this amazing thing that happens in certain societies. Its actually quite incredible and profound in its own way.
If people are given a choice, a substantial, measurable choice about what to do with their lives, how to live, and the freedom to move around and grow with the opportunity to get stronger, healthier, and build wealth and a life, they are much less likely to be uncompliant with authority, more likely to respect laws, and rebel against authority. I know, what a shocker.
Its amazing how freedom and not feeling oppressed can lead to such a stable social contract between a government and its people. In fact, liberty-rich societies often prevent civil unrest and war within those societies. The deadliest war in American history, the Civil War, was fought over slavery. Even the American Revolution was fought as a backlash against British Authoritarianism.
Today, slavery and oppression are by no means things of the past in America. They have just changed form. America's oppression is more mental. The media oppresses the masses here, even more so than the government.
Slavery is now known as human trafficking, and human trafficking runs deeper and is more pervasive than most people would like to admit or believe, because it is an inconvenient truth to admit that liberty doesn't exist for what could be millions of people in this country.
The worst, most disgusting, and most abominable form of slavery, sex trafficking, has had some evidence be shown that the trafficking of women and children for sex is being partaken in by an untold number of people in the upper echelons of America's wealthy and political elite.
Sex slavery is the worst form of slavery by a long shot. It robs its victims of their dignity, destroys their mental state, permanently scars and traumatizes them in often unimaginable ways, and destroys people's opportunity to have normal and healthy intimate relationships. In fact, it destroys any sense of normalcy for someone, period.
If their is going to be one sin or injustice that is going to condemn the United States or the world in the eyes of those higher authorities that many of you don't believe exist, it is probably going to be the abomination of slavery, in particular the mass enslavement of human beings for sex.
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