The Last One
Seven Creators woke up in the void. It was cold, dark, and they were alone. In their infancy, there was much fear, much discomfort, and much uncertainty. Each one was by itself. They began searching the darkness for others. They were lonely, and they were scared. One by one, they found each other. After the last one joined them, all seven thought that they were all there was. There was nothing else in that void but the seven.
The seven began conversing with each other. In their infancy, the began noticing that they had certain gifts, and in their minds they began having visions of a universe that had yet to come. Each creator had a different creative gift pertaining to a different construct of this universe that had not yet come to pass.
The Seven continued conversing, and as they discovered their gifts, they began planning the creation of their universe. With each unique creative gift, the Seven initiated the creation of their universe.
The first one was the creator of light. He was the initiator. The spark that started the fire of their universe.
The second one was the creator of substance. He guided the light into becoming substance and mass.
The third one was the creator of forms. He structured and molded substances into the many physical forms substance can take.
The fourth one was the creator of life, and all the organisms life could be structured into.
The fifth one was the creator of ideas. All the ideas that conscious life can have came from the fifth one
The sixth one was the creator of beauty. All things that were beautiful were touched by the hands of the sixth one.
The last one was different than the rest. He was unique, and the rest of the seven weren't sure what his purpose was. He was mysterious. He was kind of an enigma. He created something called love, but he also created other things too, in secret from the rest of the Seven. He was the smallest of the Seven. He appeared to be the weakest. Appearances, as we all know, aren't always the most honest of things.
After the creation was done. The seven went adventuring, and established kingdoms, and just went about the universe playing, having fun, and reaping the benefits of joy and this thing called love the Last One created.
The Last One was reclusive, and he was very mysterious. He was also a curious creator. However, his curiosity was also his great flaw, for in one of his creative actions, he opened a portal to a part of the void the Seven were born into, and unbeknownst to the Seven, there was another entity in the void. It was a monstrous beast in the darkness, filled with hatred, blackness, and evil. It's sole desire was to kill and consume the Seven. The Last One fled in fear and guilt, feeling responsible for bringing the beast into that universe. He went into hiding.
One by one, the beast killed and consumed each of the Seven.
The first one was unsuspecting that an evil thing was after him, and the beast consumed him in his sleep. The rest of the seven sensed his death, and became afraid. They were looking for the Last One, but they couldn't find him.
They thought that the mysterious nature of the Last One could help protect them from the beast of the darkness. The Last One was hiding, himself looking for a way to defeat the beast
The beast of the darkness continued killing the seven, and with each death a component of the universe lost its creator and governing force, and the universe began slipping into chaos and breaking down.
When the sixth one died, all beauty, color, and music lost their spirit and the universe became abysmal and grey.
The Last One realized he could no longer hide. The creator of Love, in a great irony, had unleashed the evil of the beast of the darkness and helped cause the deaths of his six brothers. His guilt was hard to bear, but he weaved another creation into existence. He weaved a form of love known as sacrifice. He knew the beast would stop at nothing until he was dead. The beast didn't realize the Last One laid a trap for it. The Last One surrendered to the beast, and let himself be consumed.
Unbeknownst to the beast, the Last One turned himself into what essentially was a weapon of love. A bomb of sorts. The concept of sacrifice was weaponized, and the death of the Last One annihilated the beast of the darkness, and the explosion resurrected all of the Seven who had died. The final act of love was completed, and a new concept emerged from the Last One; glory. The Last One was supreme over all the others, and in his glory and victory he became the First One. The Last One was now first.
The Last One became the the King and ruler of the Seven Creators, and the very essence of the restored universe as well the resurrected others of the Seven now had the substance, truth and nature or the Last One, his love, and his glory wired into their very being and into the foundation of all things in their universe. He now sits on the throne of that creation, above all things.
The end
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