The Value of Human Life

What makes a human life valuable? This is an extremely important question for the stability of a nation and the prevention of murder and killing. There are many reasons human life is valuable. Many philosophical reasons. Many ethical reasons. Many moral reasons. Many economic reasons.

      Let's start with the philosophy of the mind and consciousness. A human being is a receiver of an external existence and the projector of an internal one. If the receiver wasn't there, then to that individual the external world wouldn't be there either, for all intents and purposes. Neither would the internal world. What I mean by this is that human consciousness is a world in its own right, being made up of a unique reality filled with unique beliefs and experiences that make up that person's individuality and identity. 
      By this definition of human consciousness, when you kill a human being, you are killing an entire world. An entire reality in a sense. This is one of the many reasons killing innocent people is so egregious and wrong.

     Morality comes into a factor as well. Many religions instruct their adherents to not kill people for many reasons, including probably the one I mentioned above. Taking a life unjustifiably and with malevolent intent is a sin because no one has the right to rob another human being of their earthly life, especially when that person wasn't a danger or just living their own life as best they could. You should never rob someone of their future, take them from their family and friends permanently, and steal their opportunity to a good life by killing them. No one has the right to do this.

      Everyone has the potential to be useful and contribute to society, whether that be economically, or through creativity and innovation. It's hard to have utility, be creative, or be innovative when someone's life is taken by another.

        These are just a few of the reasons why human life has an inherent, intrinsic value, and why it is so egregious and terrible to kill people, especially innocent people who aren't being threats to others and society. 

      Even so, everyone has a right to defend themselves. Killing in self defense is very much justifiable. Killing to protect others may be necessary at times. Killing to stop atrocities and hate, I believe, is also justified. 

     Human life is valuable for many reasons, and one of the reasons is that our minds are essentially a world within a world. No one has the right to extinguish that unjustly.


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