The Precursor to War
Wars start conceptually at first. There is an initial slight and an initial disagreement, but through slander and bitterness what was once just an initial disagreement over time turns hostile.
I don't think many Americans realize this, but they are being played with. I have begun to notice that a significant number of Americans are being manipulated and maneuvered in the interests of certain ideologies and in the interests of certain factions to further the objectives of particular ideological groups and powerful individuals.
From my vantage point, we are being systematically divided and pitted against each other, and whoever and whatever is doing it has the goal of destabilizing the American system. I would go so far as to say their goal is to start a war here. The ideologies that control the minds of many Americans use people as pawns and utilities to further their particular objectives.
People are simply tools. A means to an end, and many of us are very much expendible to further the cause of certain ideologies and the interests of certain powerful individuals. Many of us are willing subordinates to these things. Many of us have no idea how enslaved we really are.
The people and ideas behind the scenes are fanning the flames of civil unrest, social collapse, and war. This is happening because certain powerful people and certain ideologies stand to significantly benefit from the collapse of the American system.
The media and those institutions and agencies who control the access and flow of information control what the narrative is and control what we think about and talk about as a society. This means they have a significant influence on our behavior and cognition. As a result, these forces can manipulate us, pit us against each other, divide us, and distort our reality to serve the political and economic interests of very powerful and wealthy people and the interests of certain political ideologies.
Americans are extremely easily manipulatable, and the media and certain political interests love maneuvering and manipulating us. They view it as a game, and I'm sure some people in those positions of power enjoy it. It satisfies them in many ways, some quite sadistic and even perverse. There are some people and some ideologies who serve to gain an immense economic, social, political, and power payoff from the collapse of the American system, which is why the flames of social unrest, social chaos, and potentially war are being fanned so heavily right now and in the past few months.
Some threat, whether foreign or domestic, wants to collapse the United States. We cannot let that happen. If this system falls, the world will destabilize, many wars will break out, and millions upon millions of people will starve to death or die in conflict. We can't let that happen.
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