Freedom From Fear and Freedom From Hate

If there are two freedoms I aspire to have above all others, they are not not the freedom to do whatever I want, go wherever I want, have any career I want, or have as much money as I want. The two freedoms I want the most out of this life are these; the freedom from fear and the freedom from hate.

      Fear and hate are the liberty-killers. Fear imprisons our mind, and hate dehumanizes people and incites predatory behavior and prejudice. If fear imprisons the minds of the fearful, than hate poisons the minds of those filled with hatred. 
     Hateful people incite fear in those whom they hate. Even as hatred incites fear, fear is often the catalyst for hate. If you want to get someone to hate another person or thing, you first get them to be afraid of it. 

            Fear of something leads to the desire to eliminate the fear, and hatred becomes very useful in the attempt to eliminate a fear inducing threat. With the exception of reverence for powerful things, like the fear that causes respect for authority, we often very much end up hating what we fear.  

        Since hate incites fear and fear catalyzes hate, there is a strong relationship and a strong interweaving of the two concepts. You often don't find one without the other. 

      The hatred of weakness and sickness is an unspoken detriment to the progression of society. Hating those you feel are weak or certain sicknesses puts an unnecessary constraint and hindrance on the development and social progression/advancement of a society because hatred leads to oppression and destruction and the stripping of opportunities of the persecuted. 

      The callous and hateful laziness of trying to weed out those you deem inferior instead of strengthening them and finding use for them in your society stunts the growth and progression of your society. 

      It leads to a stagnation of advancement, since advancement is enhanced and amplified far more quickly and effectively the more you strengthen the weak, the less fear pervades your foundational lower classes, and the less hate poisons your culture and relationships between groups.

       The weak should never fear the strong, the strong should be using their strength in the most noble and honorable way possible, which is the strengthening of the weak and the healing of the sick.

      Being free from fear and free from hate liberates you as an individual and your society as a whole in a far more profound and far more rewarding way than just the freedom to do as you please. 

   Fear enslaves minds, hate poisons our relationships, and they both inhibit liberty to a significant degree. Fear and hate work harmoniously as duel agents of oppressors and twin forces of destruction. Hate twists our thoughts and causes us to wish death and destruction on innocent people, and sometimes we act on these impulses and thoughts that hate poisoned and corrupted. 

    If there are two concepts that have crippled and destroyed liberty more than any others throughout human history as well as in our own country, they are fear and hate. Unequivocally, beyond a doubt, fear and hate are the most antithetical and destructive concepts and forces towards liberty in all of reality.

       A nation enslaved by fear and poisoned by hatred will find it quite difficult to maintain and practice liberty. The fear that hate causes can subjugate, even enslave, and can at worst lead to the murder and possible genocide of entire swaths of people just because of what they look like, what they believe, what they prefer, and their heritage and ancestry.

     Fear and hate are the greatest of all liberty-killers. Being free from them to the greatest extent possible is imperative and essential for the sustaining and preserving of a free society.


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