I Will
I will be with you in this journey to life eternal
I will walk with you as you face darkness and lies.
I will carry you when evil knocks your feet from under you.
I will talk to you as a voice of comfort if you are locked in a cage or are alone in the dark
I will guide you like a compass guides ships when the stars are cloaked in clouds.
I will rescue you from hate and the agents of prejudice
I will protect you when you must be safe
I will feed you in times of famine
I will clothe you when your clothing becomes worn out
I will heal your diseases and sickness
I will forgive your sins
I will purge all evil from your mind and spirit
I will satisfy your thirst in droughts and deserts.
I will lift your spirits in times of doubt
I will give you courage in times of fear
I will give you shelter during storms
I will ensure that you never lose hope
I will return your dreams when they are stolen
I will give you refuge in times of oppression and persecution
I will bring you joy and laughter when your day needs brightened
I will hold you and give you hope when you are grieving.
I will avenge you if you are killed unjustly.
I will give you justice for the wrongs done to you when justice was never served
I will guide your spirit to my Kingdom when this life of tribulation ends.
I will let you dwell in my presence forever.
But most importantly, I will never stop Loving you, even as eternity grows unimaginably long.
My love never dies.
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