My Fascination With Heroism
My Fascination With Heroism: What does it mean to be a hero? Is it military service? Is it law enforcement? Is it nurses or doctors or EMT's? All of these professions have the potential for heroism. I love heroism. I admire and respect anyone who is willing to lay down their lives and livelihoods for the betterment of their friends, their families, their neighbors, their nation, or complete strangers in the face of great danger, adversity, or evil. I look at the example Jesus set when he sacrificed himself for the salvation of mankind as the absolute pinnacle of heroism. A pinnacle that sets the standard for heroism pretty high, I must say. When I was a kid, I loved the heroes of Greek mythology. Jason and the Argonauts. Perseus. Hercules. Odysseus. Achilles. Hector. The great many others. I admired and respected strength because I was such a scrawny, small, kid and strength was always something I felt I lacked, at least p...