Engineering intelligence and the Predator gene

I am going to tell you another another true story haha! At this point in my life I couldn't care less what anyone thinks anymore. I was sitting in my research methods class, a couple months before I completely lost my mind, discussing various subjects, and I brought up the possibility of engineering intelligence in a human being. The professor raised the serious ethical considerations of performing such an action. My belief is that altering brain chemistry in certain ways can improve the intelligence quotient of an individual. Genetically engineering a human being to be hyperintelligent has serious ethical and moral qualms. Altering brain chemistry in certain way may improve cognitive and neurological functioning. While we discussed the possibility of engineering intelligence within a human being, it is different than engineering intelligence in a non-human system like a computer. On the same day, a girl in the class brought up the warrior gene concept to the class, saying a certain percentage of men have the gene in them. I would advocate for the position that it is not just a "warrior" gene, but also a predator gene that enables us and aids us in tracking down prey. It has an added benefit to men who enter into combat, because preying on a human is similar to hunting an animal for food, although you do not eat people. haha The same senses and cognitive processes used in hunting for food are used in warfare.


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