
The Liberating Flood of God's Countless Words

       In the beginning, humanity was imprisoned—not by chains, but by ideas. These ideas had taken root in the minds and hearts of people, twisting their perception of reality and binding them to illusions of fear, hatred, and ignorance. The world had grown dark, and though it was teeming with knowledge, people had become slaves to their own limited thinking. They were caught in endless cycles of conflict, driven by falsehoods and misguided beliefs that obscured the truth of existence. Amidst this darkness, God looked upon His creation with a heart full of compassion. He saw the bondage of the human mind, the way ideas had parasitically latched onto every thought, controlling and distorting the reality of those He loved so deeply. And so, He decided to act. He opened the storehouse of His infinite mind, where countless words swirled and danced, each one carrying within it an entire universe of meaning. These words were not just symbols or sounds; they were living, breathing entities,

Baptism By the Void

Baptism by the Void is the ultimate journey of transformation, one that immerses the soul into the most profound experience of both deprivation and exaltation. This baptism is not just a passage through non-existence but a voyage into the deepest blackness, darkness, sorrow, and deprivation—the complete negation of all things, even the potential for existence itself. In this ultimate nothingness, the soul is stripped to its Singularity of Self, reduced to the very core of personhood. All aspects of identity, experience, emotion, and thought are removed, leaving only the irreducible essence—a singular point of pure being. This singularity is balanced on the edge of annihilation, existing in the absence of all things, the very antithesis of God’s Infinite Existence. Yet, this is not the end. From this void of nothingness, the soul is not destroyed but is instead risen up, lifted into the brightest, most glorious, and euphoric heights of God’s Kingdom. The journey is one from total negati

The Supremacy of Mercy

 "Mercy triumphs over Judgement"     -The Book of James In regards to the divine, "higher order" elements of reality, mercy isn't an instrument of God's justice, justice is an instrument of God's mercy. All things over the endless time of Gods Infinite and Eternal Kingdom will in the end serve the interests of God's mercy. All things will bow and submit to God's Love because God's nature is manifested the most through Love, by Love, and for Love.  Everything is justified through Love, by Love, and for love, given their meaning and purpose through Love, by Love, and for Love.  All things were made by God so that He could have someone and something other than Himself for Him to Love and experience Him. In a sense, existence serves as a mirror through which something distinct from God can reflect the divinity of God back to the source of all things so His divinity can permeate and animate something infinitely complex and infinitely diverse.   Ov

The Sword and Shield of God's Countless Words

  The Lord is my sword This Sword's edge is infinitely sharp This Sword's tip is infinitely small This Sword can penetrate anything it strikes This Sword can cut through anything it is put to This Sword can destroy anything it is used against There is no oppression this Sword cannot Liberate There is no slavery this Sword cannot emancipate There is no tyranny this Sword cannot annihilate This Sword is constituted by the countless infinities of the core of God's very being This Sword is constituted by the countless bottomless oceans of God's infinite mind This sword is constituted by God's countless words of power and beauty, with which He uses to strike down nations, liberate countless worlds, and seed the voids and darkness of existence with countless infinities. The sword is the preeminent instrument in the liberation of the hearts and minds of all conscious beings from the shackles of deception, delusion, and ignorance. The Lord is my Shield This Shield is infini

The Hierarchy of Fluidity

      The more rigid/solid something is, the more manipulatable or "moldable" it is. The more controlable it is. The more fluid something is, the harder it is to mold and control. This is obvious and on full display in our reality. Solid, rigid systems implies high control and order. High "leashability" and "moldability."     The more fluid something is, the harder it is to interact with, manipulate, or control. It's easier to mold clay than mold water into a definable edge and shape, but is easier to mold water than it is to mold air. It is easier to interact with and manipulate air than it is to interact with and manipulate light. Its even more difficult to interact with and manipulate the fabric of space and time than it is to do the same with light.  Fluidity implies freedom and independence and lack of controlability, rigidity implies control, dominance, repression and high levels of order and structure.  Fluidity is complex in its mathematics, mo

The Ultimate Trinity

  In Christianity, the core element of the Christian concept of God is the Trinitarian Godhead. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is central to the faith, and forms its foundation and defining element. According to some, you can't be a Christian if you don't believe in the Trinity.  Islam rejects the Trinity outright, and supports and embraces the concept of Tawhid, the oneness and singularity of God. This is the defining principle of Islam. You can't be a Muslim unless you believe in Tawhid and the Oneness of God. This is the principle that clearly makes Islam a distinct religion from Christianity. It makes them incompatable with each other, almost like a rift in a fault line. I kind of call myself an "infinitist" of sorts because of my obsession with infinity and the infiniteness of God. This forms an essential part of my faith and relationship with the divine and reality. Its my favorite aspect of God. His boundlessness. I was meditating today on the

Words as Drugs

 "Religion is the Opiate of the Masses" -Carl Marx If that is the case, it is important to recognize that all religions are constituted primarily by words, language, symbols, and the meaning these convey. So are all systems that would fall under the umbrella of ideologies and belief systems.  If you think about it, words kind of have to affect brain chemistry. Logically, if you think about it, words that you read or hear have to be processed by your brain in the same way any information is, and that is all chemical and neurological. Words can affect emotion and "break hearts" which is a chemical reaction in the mind and body. Words give directions, label systems and their parts, and define our experiences and feelings and priorities. They affect and significantly determine how we interact and influence our internal and external reality.  Since words can affect brain chemistry and reality so significantly, they can often be compared to the effects of drugs. They can