The Fortress of Neptune

Some people strive to turn their mind into a fortress—a Stoic "inner citadel," an impenetrable bastion of psychological and spiritual security that no danger or enemy can conquer or destroy.

It’s a noble and intriguing endeavor, turning your mind into a fortress. But for myself? I would forgo the citadel and instead transform my mind into a bottomless ocean.

An unfathomably deep ocean that I can retreat into, like a submarine capable of withstanding the abyssal depths. The further down you descend into this ocean, the more untouchable and unreachable you become to your enemies.

It is the mental "Fortress of Neptune." Where a bottomless ocean of living water and living thoughts serves to be my impenetrable Fortress and infinite Bastion. If a bottomless ocean is my Fortress, what could destroy me?

A bottomless ocean of thought and ideas. A bottomless ocean of psychological and spiritual security—indestructible and unconquerable. It’s hard to conquer an ocean and impossible to destroy one.

A fortress is solid, and solid things can break when struck with enough force. You can't break an ocean, though. You can only disrupt its surface or flow, but it will quickly regather itself and reform after a splash or disturbance.

Even the largest splashes and waves only last so long, and they reach only so far. Eventually, the water settles, as if nothing had happened. You can't shatter water—only scatter it briefly. To destroy an ocean is an absurd undertaking, let alone a bottomless one.

That bottomless ocean is my refuge. I mold my mind in its image, rather than a citadel. My very being dwells within its deepest depths, untouchable and unreachable by any enemy or threat. I remain secure in my mind throughout my life, shielded from the bombs and bullets that merely ripple the surface for a moment, before it resettles. I am too deep beneath the ocean’s fathoms to be touched by the bombs and bullets of hatred and fear, flung by those whose words or malice would seek to harm me.

Even poison cannot reach this deep.

The words of hate can only splash me, but never break me, for splashes fade and dissipate quickly, and they can only penetrate so far.

When I die, the bottomless ocean of my mind—my refuge and fortress, secure from judgment and hate—will become like a single droplet, and I will merge back into God's infinite oceans of His boundless heart and mind.

Forever liberated from the raw viciousness of fear and hate and immersed in a perfect fusion with the heart and mind of God. A blending that is truly unending.


  1. Hi. Just wanted to let you know, I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing your ideas.


    ~From someone all the way from the other side of the world.


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