The Six Living Forces

 Jesus, King of Countless Worlds and Lord of Countless infinities,

Flood my being with the purest of your Living Water. Water that washes away all my wickedness, my corruptions, and my perversions. Water that quenches the fires of my hatred, my fear, and my pain.

Jesus, King of Countless Worlds and Lord of Countless Infinities,

Flood my mind with the brightest of Living Light and the brightest of Living Truth...Light and Truth that purges out all darkness and blindness in my heart and mind. They eradicate all deceptions, delusions, ignorance, and insanity within my heart and mind and burn up entirely all the evils that come from the darkness within my being. Living Light and Living Truth that brings Lucid clarity and Lucid understanding of the nature and purpose of your creation and Lucid clarity and Lucid understanding of the nature and purpose of you and who and what you are.

Jesus, King of Countless Worlds and Lord of Countless Infinities,

Fill my heart to the brim with the purest of your Living Love...Love that gives me lucid clarity and lucid, euphoric understanding of the nature of your compassion, grace, and mercy.

Jesus, King of Countless Worlds and Lord of Countless Infinities,

Flood your worlds and my life with the purest of your Living Liberty...Liberty that liberates the oppressed and emancipates the enslaved of all your worlds and cultures, and liberates me from my addictions, obsessions, and what I lust after and crave in my life.

Jesus, King of Countless Worlds and Lord of Countless Infinities,

Flood the core of my very being with the brightest of your Living Glory and eradicate all wretchedness in me and restore all that is ruined about me...Glory that comes from the core of YOUR very being, and all the countless infinities that constitute it.


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