How Would You Treat Him?

 "Have you asked yourself before, 'how would I have treated Jesus if I was alive with him?' A question worth a thousand pictures, for sure. 

Most people would seem pretty confident that they would have praised Him, called Him Lord, even prostrated at His feet in full submission to His glory, but the answer for almost all of us was never such a simple 'I love Jesus and would be nothing but reverent.'

In order to get the real answer to this question, you have ask yourself how you've treated the people you don't like or are uncomfortable around. What you say behind their backs and to their peers.

 The deplorables, the mentally ill or disabled, the unpredictable, the obnoxious, the annoying, the person who wronged you or crossed you, the transients, the losers, the weak, the broken, the 'hurt people who hurt people,' the perverse, the sick, the sinners, the tax collectors. 

You judge how close someone is to Jesus not by how they treat the people who are walking straight and narrow but by how they treat those people who walk in sin and failure. Those who 'miss the mark.'

it's easy as pie to treat with grace and mercy those who are doing everything right and don't drive you nuts or grind your gears as easily, but if you really want a test of a man's character and christlikeness, test how they would treat someone in the 'worst class' of society. The true pariahs. Even the 'monsters' 'predators.' 

How you would treat the least amongst humanity is how you'd treat Jesus. 

How you treat the people you don't like or the people who weird you out or make you uncomfortable reflects how close your walk is with Jesus more than any amount of Bible reading or churchgoing ever could. 'You know we are Christians by our Love.'

Jesus was a sinless man, and yet even His unconventionality and divergent makeup was eventually irritating enough on the people around Him to get Him nailed to a cross. In short, a man's Christianity is best reflected on how well they treat sinners more so than how well they treat their saints. 

Treating Jesus well is easy when He's the wavey brown hair trimmed beard white robed man we see in posters, but He said at one point 'what ever you do unto the least of my brethren you have done unto me.' In reality, you treat Jesus...every day and every week...however you treat and entertain the least, most downtrodden, most outcasted, and most despondent among your community. How you would treat them is how, in spirit and honesty, you would also treat Jesus."


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