The Great Emancipation


The great emancipation is coming.

The liberation of the oppressed of all nations

Their chains will be shattered, and the world restored to a state of grace and glory.

Fear will be gone.

So will hate

Deception will be eradicated

Sin will be conquered

And evil purged out of existence

The dominion of the King of countless worlds.

The King of Love

The King of Liberty

The King of Glory

The King of Infinity

He will establish His sovereign reign

On this world

And on all worlds

He will emancipate the enslaved

Liberate the oppressed

Conquer the wicked

Annihilate evil

Eradicate darkness

With the light of infinite love and glory

Oppression will no longer be possible.

The great restorer of lost and dying worlds

Will repair and correct our world back to wholeness and goodness

He will reign eternally as the King of our world

The King of countless worlds

The King of Infinity 


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