The Conquerers of Darkness

The conquerors of darkness

The purgers of hate.

The Victors over blackness

These soldiers lie in wait

To ambush all the wicked

And bludgeon all the fools

Who worship void and shadow

Who become the shifty tools

Of demon lords and dragons 

These agents of the void

They know not what is coming

They will surely be destroyed

The conquerors of darkness

The shatterers of fear

Will break the final boundary

As we enter the final year

The sea of blood will boil

The rivers black with oil

The bloodied, burning soil

The rusted fruit of labour's toil

These things shall be the signs

Of the ending of the times

The dark shall be enlightened

Men and kingdoms frightened


Their blinded minds quite brightened

The bright white truth and light

Will break their will to fight

Uncertainty's burden lifted

Their hearts and minds are gifted

Their paths no longer drifted

From the loving plan

Of the greatest man

Whose world his glory shifted

On the path to restoration

His mighty liberation

Has brought a great repair

To a realm of great despair

The glory of the Lord

Saved a dying world

From a world-killing war

Darkness conquered, sin healed

Glory eternal

Underneath the mighty General's shield

Fear conquered

Hope restored

Death dies a bloodied, crimson death

Underneath the General's sword

The final war

Such as none before

Makes a broken realm restored 

Death is dead

Hate is gone

Darkness conquered

Void is filled

With nothing but light

And evil is killed

Truth is revealed

Lies are all purged

Love is unfurled

Upon a now-living world.


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