The Bottomless Oceans of God


I draw my strength from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His strength

I draw my courage from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His courage

I draw my wisdom from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His wisdom

I draw my understanding from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His understanding

I draw my hope from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His hope

I draw my peace from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His peace

I draw my Liberty from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His Liberty

I draw my Love from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His Love

I draw my glory from my infinite God

There is no bottom to the ocean of His Glory

I can draw from these bottomless oceans of God forever, never running out of their supply.

One day soon, I will swim in these bottomless oceans of God and never thirst or be in want or need again.


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