"Through struggle comes the glory."

Nothing easy is glorious, at least in terms of worldly glory. You feel a lot more euphoria and a lot more accomplished when you win against a much stronger opponent than when you bludgeon the hell out of a weaker one. It's easy to beat the weak, that's why there's little glory in it.

I've noticed that it is much harder to do those "virtues" and do "goodness" well than it is to be a menace or wicked.

It's easy to destroy. It's hard to create.

It's easy to hurt someone. It's hard to heal someone.

It's easy to run away. It's hard to be brave

It's easy to condemn. It's hard to restore.

It's easy to judge. It's hard to give mercy

It's easy to overindulge. It's hard to control yourself

It's easy to break. It's hard to fix.

It's easy to quit. It's hard to endure to the end.

It's easy to hold a grudge. It's hard to forgive

It's easy to sin. It's hard to clean up.

It's easy to conquer. It's hard to liberate.

It's easy to get addicted. It's hard to break free.

It's easy to be cruel. It's hard to be kind.

It's easy to hate those you deem "bad" or "deplorable." It's hard to love them even in the midst of their flaws.

The harder of this list are the most noble. They are the "good" things. Since they are more difficult, they are more glorious when you achieve them and they lead to far more rewarding things, like joy and fulfillment and happiness. They also improve the quality of life of all the people around you.

Being good in a fallen world is far harder than being evil in one. Being evil in a fallen world is just falling in line with the rest. Since it is hard to be good, it's more glorious to be good. It's a different type of glory, one more divine than most glory on earth, and this glory is far more glorious than beating a thousand enemies.


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