They Will Call You Names


They will call you names.

They will assign a label or category on you.

They will identify you as an out-group, as an enemy, and weaponize your beliefs, your culture, and your history against you.

You will be restricted in what kind of jobs you can get, where you can move, and what kind of social circles and activities you can partake in.

You will not get out of this world without some sort of mark on you, on your record, in your history.

You will be persecuted if you deviate from, or do not meet, a standard.

Your dreams will be often inaccessible, all because of a label or a category.

They will put you in a box, and if they can't put you in a box, they will outcast you as an anomoly.

Humans can't understand without labeling, and it makes people feel better to label and categorize. It helps them cope with the discomfort and fear.

Labeling and demonizing the label is how hatred is fostered towards other human beings.

Grouping people into categories creates an inequality, whether you want it to or not.

Labeling someone with a label that is alienating and stigmatizing is a de facto curse, one that can follow someone for the duration of their lives.

Categorizing, labeling, and grouping are the primary avenues to creating oppressive systems.

They will call you names.

They will diagnose you.

They will slander you

They will be unfair to you

They will breathe out falsities about you and your friends and family

They will persecute you if you are different

Have faith, though.

God loves you, no matter how different you are.

Eternity's a long time to have your dreams fulfilled.

An infinite creation is a big place to fulfill them in.

An infinite God is a big God to be loved unconditionally by.


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