The Love of God


The love of God.

It has no boundaries. It goes to the foundations of a man, and rises to his pinnacle. 

From first breath to last gasp, God's love never leaves his children.

His love has no limitations...and no conditions.

He loves even those who hate him, or those who disobey him. 

His love can cleanse the blackest of sins and cure the deadliest sicknesses. His love cleans the mind and purifies the heart.

No man, no woman, no sinner, no mourner is beyond the reach of God's love.

There is no exclusion from God's love. All are welcome to it. All can partake in it. He gives it to to the hero and the outcast alike. He turns down no one who asks for His love and His grace. 

He never rejects a cry for help. He never condemns a remorseful sinner who attempts to repent.

My love for God is as strong as I can make it. I never fall out of love with Him no matter how tough life gets.

I will love Him in the flood or the fire. In glory or in shame. In sickness or health. In failure and success. I will love God no matter what happens to me or what I lose. I will love Him even after the stars burn out or the when the world becomes ashes and flame.

I will love Jesus no less in 10 years than in 10 trillion years. God will love me unceasingly and to the greatest degree of intensity even as eternity grows into the truly endless. Into time unfathomable. Where time becomes almost meaningless. I will love Him still then, and He will love me with the same ferocious love as He loves me now.


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