The Demiurge and the Deluge

The world, all broken and soaking in sin, withstood the weight of its tragic chagrin

Incurred the wrath of the Demiurge again

The Deluge of fire falls upon its foul kin

The flood, and the blood, of a fallen race

Will stain and great pain will come to its place

The fire burns the liar and the world to its base

The hate meets its fate with great fear on its face

The Demiurge, that Creator, mysterious and strong

Floods the earth, but with fire, and it won't burn for long

It purges and it cleanses all the wickedness and wrong

But the Demiurge forges a new world

Filled with goodness and song

The blacksmith, twisting metal and heating the stone

That Demiurge, that forger, desires not to be alone

He longs to forge children who are righteous when they're grown

Noble heroes and leaders who've reaped what they've sown

They've sown only rightness and goodness and courage

The Demiurge's deluge served its great purpose

Now the new world holds nothing but hope

No sin holding it hostage at the end of a rope


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