The Three Sources


So, for me, a human being gets infinite, intrinsic value from 3 primary sources, all of which exist simultaneously;

The first one is that we are made in the image of an infinite God. This is the most faith based justification for infinite intrinsic value of humans. For me the most important, but the other two can work without religion.


The second source is the individuality of a person, where every person is the only one of their kind and there are no two people entirely alike, this individuality gives intrinsic worth to people regardless of any category or group they may belong to. Individuality makes us all "the last of our kind." Turning us into a sort of precious gem. 

The third source of infinite intrinsic value of a human being is the "world within a world" or "universe within a body" concept of human existence. We are all in kind of an information relationship with existence, where we receive the information projected from outside ourselves and construct our memories, our dreams, our knowledge, our loves, and our interests with that information in our minds. We are a platform on which reality can be experienced for us and within us.  To terminate a life is like wiping out all of existence because of this, regardless of someone's knowledge or intelligence level. It breaks that information exchange relationship and ends someone's awareness of reality. It's an especially potent argument if you believe we cease to exist when we die.

That would make ending a life truly like ending an entire universe.

Because of the unique vantage point of the universe everyone has  and their unique minds, hopes, and dreams, this "world within a world" concept gives truly infinite intrinsic value to all people. It makes killing people equivalent to killing universes. A potent ethics argument if you believe it.

These three major sources of the infinite, intrinsic value of human life form a major part of my ethics, to where harming people even slightly is harming something infinitely valuable.


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