My Three Meditations

I've been working on some guided meditations that I've been developing over the past couple months. They are from my own mind, and I have found that they are quite powerful and mind altering/expanding. I haven't completely honed them and polished them up to a standard yet, but the times I have really focused on them and walked through them, they have put me in kind of a trance, a quite euphoric altered state of mind. I do all three in succession and walk myself through them out loud.

The first one is called "The Conquest of the Void."

In it, you start the meditation by getting as relaxed as you can, focusing on your breathing and getting really comfortable, either laying down or sitting very comfortably.

You first begin by imagining all of existence, the entirety of the universe, as being completely, utterly empty. No planets. No stars. No galaxies. No world. No people. Just complete emptiness.

You focus on this emptiness and really let it sink in for a few minutes.

After it sinks in and you ponder it, you imagine a spark. A single spark. You imagine this spark as containing just nothing but light, truth, goodness, love, and glory. You focus on these things for a few minutes and really meditate on what they mean and what they are. 

Now, to conclude, you imagine this spark being commanded to go and conquer the void, and in less than a moment the spark explodes, like a big bang in a way, and the entire emptiness, the entire void, is completely filled with nothing but light, truth, goodness, love, and glory. The void ceases to exist, and all things that come from the void (deception, fear, hate, evil) are completely defeated and rendered non-existent.

You focus on what this means for a few minutes, all the while stay still and relaxed.

The next meditation I've been trying to really hone and develop is called "the countless forms of love" meditation.

You stay relaxed and still from the previous meditation and you move on to this new one once you are ready.

In this meditation, you remember, not just imagine, the greatest and most intense feeling of love you've ever had for anyone or anything. You really focus on this moment or time in your life. You try your best to remember how this feeling truly felt.

You focus on this for a few minutes.

Then, with your imagination, you imagine this feeling multiplied in intensity by a hundred-fold. You focus on that. This is very challenging because it is a hard thing to imagine for sure, but you try nonetheless.

Once you focus on this and work at it for a bit, you really challenge yourself and imagine that feeling of love multiplied in intensity by a thousand fold, and then you imagine that it has no cap, that you can multiply it forever.

After a while, you imagine that this is just one form of love, and that there are countless unique forms of love. Each one different. Each one it's own nature.

And each one can be multiplied in intensity forever.

It's a very powerful meditation. It's like getting high on thought.

Once you are done with the previous meditation (which could be completely overwhelming) the final meditation is called the "mind ocean." It's a little bit of a wind down from the previous two.

You're still "still" and as relaxed as you could be.

You picture the mind of the Creator as an endless ocean. You imagine it contains countless thoughts, countless forms, and countless ideas. You focus for a while on this.

Then, you imagine that your own mind is akin to a droplet out of that endless ocean. You are like a sample of God.

You imagine that you still have a connection to that ocean. If you work and surrender, you can access that ocean of knowledge and forms and ideas. That connection is only broken if you break it.

These are extremely potent and powerful things to meditate on, and they can really blow up your thoughts.

Sometimes I have gotten a euphoria on this kind of thinking that is better than any drug or other high I have ever had.

These things greatly improve the quality of your mind.


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