It's OK

It's ok.

Breathe, and just know how loved you are. How valued you are. How blessed you are

It's ok.

It's ok to be sad. Sadness is a symptom of caring and love. If the world doesn't bring you sorrow, you really don't have a heart.

It's ok. 

It's ok to be angry. Things are a little off here, and anger is often a very justifyable response to that offness. Just know that nothing and no one escapes justice, and nothing and no one is beyond repair.

It's ok. 

It's ok to be alone, because you are never really alone. God and His angels are always with you, and they are just a prayer away.

It's ok

It's ok to be you, and to be loved by those who love you for you. Those who don't love you don't really matter. They are their own people with their own lives. Let them be them and let you be you.

It's ok.

It's ok to be a beautifully broken person, because some of the most beautiful things are rebuilt from shattered shards and mended with gold. Broken people are God's favorite because they are opportunities for His glory and workmanship.

It's ok.

It's ok to fail. Failure is the best teacher. Greater than any professor or parent or preacher. Nothing teaches you to get up better than falling down.

It's ok. 

It's ok to dream big and live small. God hears all those big dreams you have. All those desires for countless worlds and countless cultures. All those desires for His love and His mind. He takes every dream you have into consideration

Every. Single. One.

It's ok.

It's ok to have weaknesses. You're not Superman. Nor should you be. Superman's the cheapest superhero, and there is no worthwhile hero that doesn't have an Achilles Heal, but even Superman has Cryptonite.

It's ok

It's ok to be ok, ok.

Don't be afraid, because fear is the peacekiller, the libertykiller, and the mindkiller.

Even if you do get frightened every once in awhile

It's still ok.

You're ok.


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