The Many Worlds Hypothesis

In Christianity, most people think in terms of Heaven, Earth, and Hell. It's been a mainstay in the faith since the beginning to see the universe divided this way. Cosmology in general is pretty complex. There are many belief systems about existence and as a result many cosmologies. 

When we look at the cosmos, the vast expanse of space and time that make up the known universe, we see trillions of galaxies and quadrillions upon quadrillions of stars. Even though we haven't directly observed the vast majority of them, it can be a safe assumption that there are many worlds. 

Buddhist cosmology divided the universe in a sort of "horizontal/vertical" arrangement of realms. The vertical was based on merit, with the higher the realm, the more intense and valuable the reward, pleasure, and bliss was. The lower the realm, the less rewarding and sometimes even tormenting the realm was. The pinnacle wasn't always clear, and hypothetically you could go on forever up the bliss realm and forever down the hell realms. There could be infinite "layers" of vertical realms in existence.

The horizontal arrangement gave each vertical realm sheets of billions or more worlds within that vertical realm, maybe even countless. Each vertical realm coincided with a horizontal "sheet" of worlds. 

Each realm could have an unfathomable number of worlds. 

Though these cosmologies can sufficiently explain to some people the nature and structure of existence, no one really knows for sure how vast or complex the whole system is. 

What we do know that is pretty obvious is that it is unfathomably big. 

Whether it is infinite or not is truly unknowable because infinity is...rather hard to measure to say the least. So the idea of it being limitless is unprovable and also unfalsifiable. 

Countless worlds is a rather exciting belief system to have. It is quite optimistic as well. A bit more optimistic than many of the more worldly philosophies and ideas. The prospect of being able to explore such a system forever is enticing for anyone who would choose to believe in this kind of worldview.

Even the prospects of that "vertical hierarchy" of merit based realms is rather exciting. Of course, ending up in a lower realm may not be very ideal, but the beauty of that cosmology is you never stay in one realm forever. 

I choose to believe in many worlds because it gives me hope for a bountiful, wonderful, and glorious "forever." Whenever you have hope, you have strength and courage that comes with it.

Hope is the biggest benefactor of human strength.


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