The General of God's Army

My favorite angel has been the Archangel Michael since probably when I first learned about him. He is the epitome of a divine warrior. A soldier for the LORD. In fact, in Catholicism, he is the patron saint of warriors, police officers, paramedics, and the "heroes" of society. He is the champion of the weak. The angel who defends the helpless and protects the vulnerable or persecuted from the venom and hate of the Devil. 

In tradition he is the strongest angel. The angel who, at the beginning, defeated the Devil and his angels in combat and cast him to earth where he and his angels remain to this day. He is the highest ranking angel. The "general" of God's army. He is the angel you would call for help in times of danger or distress. He is the avenger of injustice, often depicted as holding scales as well as a sword in many depictions. 

In short, he is the angel who deals the divine wrath of God. Definitely the one angel you don't want to be on the bad side of. He is also depicted, occasionally, as the angel of mercy, dealing mercy to sinners and people who God deems in need of mercy. This duel nature doesn't seem contradictory to me, as even though God is slow to wrath, He still can have it, and He is quicker to mercy than He is to wrath, but He has both.

I love Michael like a brother because he is the Archetypal divine soldier, and I've always wanted to be a warrior in some way. I have this kind of special relationship with the Archangel. I'm just drawn to him, not just because of his strength, but also his mercy. He often is the angel who protects the sheep from the wolves and shields the innocent from hate. 

As a powerful champion of the weak and protector of the meek and sick and broken, he knows that no weakness is uncorrectable or sickness uncurable or brokenness unfixable, truths his enemies can't even comprehend.

With my fascination with great leaders and generals like the Eisenhowers or MacArthurs or Washingtons or Grants or Lees or Pattons, him being the "General of God's Army" just makes me drawn to his nature. He is the angelic hero of a great war at the beginning of time. Obviously with how much of a wannabe warrior I have been I can't help but to be his biggest fanboy.

I look at him as my biggest protector and defender. A friend and a brother, and I hope one day I can be as strong of a warrior for Christ as he is. It's nice to have a soldier like him as a close friend.


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