The Great Physician

A lot of my readings, writings, and conversations this year have been about repairing or restoring things. Subjects like restorative justice has come up frequently in the talks I have with people in my life and people in my community.

I feel like topics of restoration, reparation, and healing are more Christlike topics than the usual banter and bitterness of politics or gossip. The world is in a state where I think conversations of restoration and reparation would do this place more justice than the hatred or vitriol that dominates our culture. 

Even I get sucked into it, but I've learned that wishing ill or suffering on the world because of an unfair hand is like drinking poison after already losing a game. I feel that this world doesn't need any more hate or destruction. It needs healing and repairing. This is the only world I know, I would hate to see it suffer any more than it already has.

I've noticed that in my readings of the Bible, every miracle Jesus did was an act of restoration. The vast majority were acts of healing. He healed far more than He condemned, and restored far more than He destroyed. 

A nickname for Jesus that some have for Him is "the great physician." He was a doctor from the get-go, and a restorer by His nature. Even His death and resurrection restored humanity's covenant with God and opened a path to eternal life for all who want it. The very act of resurrection is a restorative process, bringing a body once dead back to life. 

Jesus isn't just the "great physician."  He is the "great restorer." The "great repairman" of existence.

Tonight, on Resurrection Sunday, I want to ask Him to repair our broken world. To fix all that's wrong with it, and to heal the sickness at the core of it. I don't want to see a judgement, or the world destroyed. I just want to see it repaired and healed by a merciful God. This is the only world I've ever known, and there is a lot of beauty and a lot of goodness still left in it. I just wish Jesus would repair it and heal it. The world might deserve judgement, but it needs mercy. It needs a "great physician." It needs to be repaired.

Happy easter everyone.


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