The Dream

Dreams are part of who we are. They are a source of hope, and define a huge component of our mind and personhood. 

Dreams of what we want to be, where we want to go, and what we want to do often define our very souls and very being. 

Dreams and desires are given to us, even wired into our nature, so that we have hope and have drive to face reality.

I have a feeling that dreams are a glimpse into eternity, a role that God wants us to fill in His creation, and without dreams we don't see that extension of our existence into the endless. Some dreams are a glimpse of forever, and a construct of who we are.

We are defined almost as much by what we want as by what we do. Our dreams form a core part of who we are. It is said that God puts the desires of the heart into us, and knows our dreams before we know them. If dreams are a glimpse of forever, they are a reflection of God's plans.

I think in the broad scheme of things God takes very seriously our dreams and desires, and he takes them into consideration for our future with him when He makes our plan.

I've had many dreams and many wants, and many of them have come to define me in the eyes of my friends and family. The dream of being a warrior. The dream of being a spy. All those dreams I've had since I was a boy.

My big dream, my REALLY big dream, that I have now, is to explore, study, play games in, compete in, form relationships in, and interact with world after world and realm after realm in an existence of countless worlds and countless realms.

Not only that, but I find a companion to fall in love with who I can share this experience of exploration and adventure with.

Along with my relationship with my Creator, this dream is the big dream. My dream of dreams so to speak, and it is the dream of eternity.

Like I said, He puts the desires of our heart upon us, and He takes them very seriously. Dreams come from somewhere, and this dream gives my the hope and strength needed to face my life and fight my battles here, because I know in my heart my dreams will be reality one day. Either in this life or the infinite beyond.


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