Oppression and the Creator


  Love, liberty, and glory. These things are my favorite aspects of God's nature. They form the main focus of my relationship with God, along with grace and mercy.

      To me, the Creator is a god of boundless liberty. Endless freedom in an existence of the endless, infinite opportunities of countless worlds and countless realms. I believe He detests oppression and detests slavery, especially the forms of it that exist in this world. If God created an existence as big as I think He did, such abundance of resources, dwelling places, and opportunities would render oppression and slavery obsolete in the end. 

You don't need oppression and slavery in a system that big.

In terms of our world, I look to the book of Exodus for my understanding of God's view on oppression.  How He liberated the Isrealites in the fashion that He did. He hardened the heart of Pharaoh when He could easily have just had the Pharaoh let the Isrealites go from the get go, but in doing so, the glory of God's wonders and power would never have been demonstrated. 

Also, God can harden and soften the hearts of whoever He pleases, whenever He pleases to, and however He pleases to.

He can do whatever He wants. 

A lot of people ask, myself included, why God allows oppression to exist and other evils to exist, and sometimes even His followers seem to facilitate it at times.

For me and my fairly decent understanding of glory, I believe the Creator allows oppression and slavery to exist so that His glory can be made manifest to the greatest extent by its destruction and abolition and the liberation of the oppressed.

Along the same lines, I believe he allows evil in general to exist so that His glory can be shown and demonstrated to the highest degree by its destruction. 

That's why He hardened Pharaoh's heart, so His glories and wonders could be shown to our world, and the the liberation of His people could turn out the way it did.

In conclusion, I believe God is a God of perfect liberty, limitless glory, and perfect love, and I believe one of the greatest acts of love He can bestow on His creation is giving His people such boundless purpose and freedom. Liberating the oppressed and emancipating the enslaved is a significant act of glory and a significant act of love.


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