
     I've learned that, at the base of reality, you can't really destroy anything, you can only break things into pieces. Yes, we usually consider breaking things an act of destruction, but at the fundamentals, the pieces of everything broken still exist. It gets into the law of thermodynamics that says energy can neither be created nor destroyed. 

      As a result, the pieces of everything broken and all the energy that makes up those things are indestructible, regardless of how many pieces they are broken into. All matter really is is just contained and structured energy with mass, and energy may be used to break apart matter, but energy can't destroy energy. Nothing can.

       Even more profound, for me anyways, is the indestructibility of forms and ideas. Let's say a house burns down, and all that material gets broken and burnt and released into energy. If you have a memory or record of the form of that structure; its shape, its colors, it's furniture, that form of that structure still exist because you remember it and you may still have pictures or even the construction blueprint to where you could even build it back brick for brick.

   This, for me, is evidence that forms exist independently of substance. They are timeless and not contingent on the physical reality. The physical reality just projects forms into our awareness. Even though matter decays and can be broken into pieces, forms and shapes can't. If you remember the form of something that has been "destroyed," or have pictures or plans of it, than that form still exists. 

The same is true with ideas. Ideas can't be destroyed either. They are too abstract to be touched by our usual destructive tools. They can be concealed or distorted or have some deception to them, but they are also timeless and can't be destroyed.

In fact, nothing can really be destroyed, at least at the core of what things are. You blow up a building, that building's form and purpose still exists on record, and all the pieces and energy that made it up still exist. The ideas that built societies can't be destroyed because there is a record of those ideas and they still can be accessed and developed in the minds of people.

     Existence, as a whole, is truly indestructible, to such a degree to where nothingness, or the void, is the only nonexistence.

    What we call destruction in our world is more of a discord, or the breaking of harmony and order. The breaking into pieces and complexifying of ordered systems and structures.

You never really destroy the pieces, or the forms, or the ideas. You only disharmonize them and bring them into discord, like the violent disruption of Mozart symphony.

 Discord looks like destruction, but at the root of things you can't really, truly destroy anything. There is always a record of it, and the matter and energy that makes something up can't be destroyed, regardless of how many pieces you break something into.


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