World upon World and Culture upon Culture

"That just makes us...innsignificant!"

-Random College football player I explained my crazy philosophy to.

      Good. That's the point. In the broad scheme of things, that's what we all are. A blip of space and time that occupies an infinitely small place in the great ocean of infinity and eternity. Insignificant might be a fitting word for our world or ourselves, and an overwhelmingly humbling thought to realize how small we really are, but even the smallest things still have value, and still can be loved.

       For me, this humbling thought doesn't bring insecurity. I need to be humbled every once in awhile like we all do. The thought of how big existence is...and how small I and the world I'm in me great hope. A hope for limitless, endless exploration of a system so vast and so glorious that I would never lack in fulfillment or purpose, and never run out of things to do. 

       World upon world and culture upon culture is something that I have said frequently in my talks and writings about my dreams and desires. My ultimate dream was to be able to explore countless worlds and countless cultures forever. It's a hope of an eternity filled with experience...just an endless array of experience, of all kinds. 

       This thought never intimidated me. I don't care how small I am when I know how much my Creator loves me. The bigger existence is, all the more to explore and all the bigger platform for glory, games, and liberty.

      I desire this endless exploration of a limitless system because of its unfathomable liberty. Countless worlds to play games in, compete with other people in, form relationships, fall in love in, and just experience...experiences.

        Such dreams are a natural biproduct of a guy with a vivid imagination and some social and economic inhibitions preventing him from getting some of those experiences and fulfillments in this world, but at least I got plenty of opportunities for conversation, though. 

It's always enjoyable, challenging the thinking of people in a way they're not used to being challenged. Plus, sometimes I get free beers...and occasionally I get to play catch with some bobcat football players, when I talk philosophy with people. Being a talker and hypersocial has its perks I guess.

But that world upon world idea? I actually believe it exists. It exists in my mind at the least, and I think the imagination has more reality to it than we'd like to give it credit for.


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