The Fullest Experience

The world's a big place. Even with how massive the rest of existence is, the world we're on right now has enough places, circumstances, knowledge, and potential experiences to last a significant chunk of time if we could "have it all" that would seem like an eternity to any human.

Imagine if we could live every human life that has ever lived up to this point, which including the current number of people alive today adds up to around 107 billion people. Now lets say the average lifespan of humans over the course of our entire history was about 50 years, give or take. 107 billion times 50 is 5.35 trillion years. If you could live every human life consecutively, that's the figure it would add up to with a rough estimate of a 50 year average lifespan. 

That's 400 times the age of the universe according to our current model, and that's just earth and humanity. That's the fullest experience of just ONE world, and if humanity lasts for thousands more years, that figure can increase significantly.

The experience of living all human lives seems daunting and a little terrifying, especially given how our species history has gone and what we do to each other, but if it were possible to do so, it would give a universal perspective for a soul. Something that gives the entire vantage point from all angles of the human condition.

 It would give the pains and pleasures, hopes and despairs, failures and successes, and loves and hates a whole new feel. 

Regardless of the stipulations, the immense time, and the sufferings I would inevitably endure, I'd do it if it were possible. It would give me the "galaxy mind." 👽 The fullest and most complete perspective and understanding of humanity and this planet. Something I'd find immensely invaluable and rewarding, even with the suffering that would happen.

Coupled with the idea that there are countless other worlds out there to experience with countless sensations and rewarding purposes, experiencing all of this would make my eternity rewarding infinitely beyond my imagination.


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