Power Over Systems

If you can label the fundamental parts of a system, define their properties, describe the relationships those parts have with each other and the system as a whole, and develop a thorough and intimate knowledge of the entire system and its purposes, then you have the potential to have immense power over that particular system.

Understanding of a system enables power over that system. 

The most powerful people on the planet are the ones who have intimate and thorough knowledge of the predominant social and political systems of the world. This level of thoroughness requires a certain mind and a certain kind of intelligence that is not always common, but power in humanity almost always includes the understanding and influence over complex systems. Everyone who has ever had power had it because a system enabled it.

Just like there are two types of information, there are two types of systems:

       1. Physical  systems. These are systems that have physical, measurable parts, like the human body or a car engine or a rocket propulsion system. They are the most easily studiable because they are the most easily measurable. Substance is tangible and can be more easily manipulated.

    2. "Abstract" systems. Abstract systems are systems that don't always have a physical foundation or physical parts. They are more conceptual and mental. Systems like these include many human systems, like governments or organisations. Even though the parts of the system may be human beings, the core of the systems, their goals, and their purposes are often more abstract. Systems based on ideologies, religions, or any system based on beliefs or ideas fall under the category of abstract systems because they mostly exist in their core nature and purposes within the human mind.

     Abstract systems are a mental phenomenon, but the opening statement of this post remains true: If you can label and define the parts of any system, abstract or physical, and describe their properties, and develop an intimate knowledge and understanding of any system, then you can have power over it.

    This is true of humans. Humans are complex systems in their own right with both abstract mental components and physical components. If you have an intimate knowledge of a person's body or mind, than you have power over that person because you know their flaws, corruptions, vices, and virtues of their being and this gives you access to their incentives and desires. This kind of thorough knowledge and understanding gives a power over another person that's hard to resist.

Anyone who controls the incentives to a persons choices and behavior controls that person's choices and behavior to a significant degree. No choice is made without some sort of causal incentive.

To conclude, power over systems can only come from an intimate and thorough knowledge and understanding of them.


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