Infinite Knowledge

      If the amount of information in existence is innumerable in its quantity, quality, or diversity, then the possibilities for knowledge and wisdom is just as limitless. There is an unlimited amount of knowledge to accrue, and with eternity there is an endless amount of time to accrue it.

      For a washed up academic like me, that's a very exciting prospect. Even though I've considered the idea of exploring countless worlds and playing countless games, the idea of infinite knowledge is actually something I haven't hashed out much yet, but it's a cool one.


       If this existence is as infinite as I think it is and as complex as I think it is, then knowledge and wisdom would be in limitless supply. Of course, the only person who would have access to the entirety of this knowledge would be God Himself, but the beauty of being one of His sons is that He can share with me some of this knowledge if He wants to. Only His mind is complex enough and vast enough to handle the immensity of all that information.

Mine? Not so much. No one can handle infinite knowledge. The thing about infinite knowledge is, like any other infinity, you can accrue an unfathomable sample of it, but no matter how big a sample it is it would occupy a zero point of that infinity. You could have all the knowledge of the universe and compared to the broader existence it would be a sample of knowledge that would be infinitely small.

It makes the saying "the more I know, the more I know that I know nothing" all the more relatable and hit a little closer to home. The beauty of this there could be an infinite amount of knowledge and every sample of knowledge still has value, almost priceless value, especially in the sight of God.

My favorite thing about this, though, is that the smartest man on earth really knows almost nothing in comparison to the amount of knowledge that exists.


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