Acclimating to Eternity

To some, the concept of existing forever intimidates them more than even ceasing to exist does. The thought of unending conscious existence with countless worlds and countless realities to explore and learn about is an overwhelming and intimidating thought. 

The full immersion into a relationship with the creator of that eternity can also be quite intimidating to someone not accustomed to that belief system.

For me, I look at eternity as something we acclimate to, like going from very warm to very cold weather suddenly...or learning how to swim when you are a child...or any new experience that is uncomfortable at first and takes some getting used to.

Overcoming a fear and discomfort to something requires a level of consistent exposure to it to realize it is not something to be afraid of to the extent that we are. Eternity is no different. 

We come into this world crying and in shock at the glories, sensations, and wonders of the human condition and it takes time for us to acclimate to this world at first. 

Acclimating to the glories, wonders, and sensations of a broader, more complex, and more dynamic infinity is going to take a lot of acclimating and adjusting to, but it is extremely worth it when you do.

In the broad scheme of eternity, we're all infants no matter if we are 7 years old or 70 years old. We have no idea how complex, dynamic, wondrous, and glorious existence can get.

We're at the baby food stage and haven't quite reached the King's banquet. Going from our current stage to that takes time and takes acclimation, but I think in time we all find that the glory of God and His eternity is worth the occasional discomfort and is truly nothing to be afraid of.


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