The Temporariness of Sin and the Timelessness of Grace


Grace and mercy are two of the most beautiful abstract ideas God has ever developed. Humanity wouldn't have freedom without grace and mercy and we wouldn't have the blessings that we do or the beauty, wonder, purpose, and value in our lives without God's grace. 

     The beauty of God's grace, aside from what it does for us, is God's total sovereignty over the concept. He can shed it whenever He wants to whereever He wants to on whoever or whatever He wants to and however He wants to. He has total mastery of the power of grace. The fact that He has such an authority should always remind the faithful of the importance of gratitude. Just as He can give grace, he can also take it. It is an act of grace that we exist at all anywhere, to be honest.

      Grace is as timeless and eternal as anything else that is divine. It will never stop existing. Grace is the acting force of how God liberates us from the curse of sin and death. We are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.  It is by grace that we have access to the salvation of Jesus at all, and it is not something we ever really deserved or were entitled to. No one's entitled to grace. We're just lucky enough grace exists in our world. Anybody who has ever gotten grace never deserved it. But grace wouldn't be grace if it was deserved.

Sin? Sin's gonna die one day. Not just sinners, but sin itself. Sin is a sickness and a curse, a concept never meant to be eternal, and sicknesses and curses exist solely to be cured and broken. Sin is a temporary concept, one that I believe, like darkness and evil, will cease to exist one day, being burned away by God's light and love.

Sin has always been a temporary thing, not an eternal one, and I see the power of God's grace and mercy as able to redeem and restore the worst sinner, cure the worst sickness, and strengthen the weakest of weak at any point in time or space. I look at God's grace as reaching down the deepest of abysses and into the hottest of flames. His grace can pull people out of Hell and out of the clutches of the Devil Himself. That's how powerful His grace is. No one is beyond the reach of God's grace and I'll double down on that any day.

Sin is temporary.

Grace is eternal.

Sin is destroyable

Grace is invincible

I'll always believe this.


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