The Realm of Infinite Love


There is a realm of existence that is encompassed entirely by love. An infinite love. In this realm. Every form, every idea, every place, everything is saturated by a love of immeasurable quantity...and immeasurable quality. The intensity of this love can reach an infinite degree, and the forms this love can take are just as innumerable. 

    There is no hate here. No perversion or corruption in this system. There is no fear. Fear is rendered impotent. There is no evil here. Evil is an alien thing. In this realm, you know nothing but love. Infinite love, and everything that infinite love encompasses. The very air you breathe here gets its substance from love.

        The degree of love you feel within yourself can grow exponentially in intensity to infinity.

In this realm, you can stay as long as you like, and be immersed in the love of the Creator. This realm is reserved for that love, and you can go into it whenever you want to.



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