The Imagination and Knowledge

  "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."

   -Albert Einstein

     From my perspective, imagination doesn't just encircle the world, it encircles all of existence. It is in the imagination that concepts like an infinite existence or infinite complexity gain their plausibility and accessibility. 

   Without imagination, these massive ideas and big picture constructs are inaccessible and unentertainable. In the abstract creative processes involved in imagining complex constructs and creative ideas, we see the fullest potential of humanity made manifest. It is in this process that humanity can truly achieve a higher liberty and a higher purpose. 

      I believe the imagination is a lot more real than society or our culture would give it credit for. If there is a form or idea, or a set of meaning assigned to a mental construct, it exists somewhere. If something didn't exist entirely, we would have no awareness of it. I take the platonic realist approach and argue that the abstract realm is just as real as the physical, concrete realm. They just operate in existence a little differently from each other. 

    In terms of knowledge, humans have evidence-based knowledge based on concrete, quantifiable, measurable information, and we have knowledge of the abstract through the imagination and creativity. 

     From my perspective, the concrete, measurable knowledge goes only skin deep, but the imagination allows us to stretch way past the concrete and into higher and deeper realms of understanding. Imagination is the place where we make our leaps into the future. We can picture in our minds what may not be possible at the current moment and use that imagining to set a goal to drive and steer our accruing of knowledge toward. Many, if not all, of the most advanced technologies started of as the ideation and imaginings of a creative individual which then accrued knowledge to make that idea a reality.

     Knowledge usually applies to the immediate surface of understanding and awareness of a human individual or group. Imagination allows us to stretch far past that. Far down into the depths and fathoms of existence, in particular the realm of the abstract. It is in the imagination where an infinite existence truly becomes entertainable in our minds. As a result, imagination can construct information and access ideas that simple concrete knowledge accruing can't.  It allows us not just to encircle the world and picture in our minds what knowledge can't get access to, but it allows us to reach for the infinite and picture in our minds realms of existence and realms of ideas we can't have access to. 

       This gives imagination far more power, and far more value, than just raw knowledge. Knowledge is just the surface of a bottomless ocean. Imagination allows us to dive in, and dive as deep as we want. Imagination is what truly makes accruing more knowledge even possible to begin with. If the system is truly infinite and limitless, there is an unlimited amount of knowledge accessible to a mind. That abstract creativity is far more important than concrete empiricism. It not only encircles this world, it allows us to access other worlds, other realms even. It even gives us access to infinity and all the forms and ideas infinity can be applied to and combined with.


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