My Best Friend

 He lives in me like a fire in my mind. He walks with me and He helps me fight my fears. He tells me how much He loves me. He is my champion and my rescuer. He is my King and my God. He is the God of Limitless love, boundless creativity, infinite liberty, and indestructible hope. He will deliver me from the wolves and the oppression of my enemies. He is the Architect of an infinite system, and He loves me as one of His own.

       As I continue to pursue a relationship with Jesus, I try to use my imagination to exalt Him and put Him as high as my mind can put Him. Higher than any other god or angel or divine being. I try to make Him out to be uncomprehendably big and unfathomably powerful. I use my mind to exalt Him by thinking about Him in terms of the infinite and limitless.

         How big is Jesus to me? Well, insurmountably big. I often make the analogy to put into perspective how big the Christ is to me by stating that Jesus is big enough to swim in an ocean of universes, where the universes are the size of water molecules with respect to Him. 

He's even bigger than that.

But Jesus, to me, is not just big, but small as well. There is an infinity down in the realm of the infinitely small that is just as wondrous and glorious as the infinitely big, but fills a different function and has a different type of divinity. Small things have a preciousness and delicate nature to them because of their fragility. The love directed at the small is different than the love directed at the big for this reason, like a parent to a newborn or a person towards a precious gem. 

There is less fear or threat towards small things than there is towards the big, but there is love towards both.  Jesus's realm is both in the infinitely small and infinitely large, and the two types of love that exist in both realms fill a different function with respect to God. 

Most importantly, though, no matter how big or how small Jesus is, He's still my best friend. He lives in my mind and fuels my hope. There is no no better friend and no better teacher and no better protector than an infinite creator God. No better friend than Jesus.


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