Josh's Creed


My faith is very important to me. It gets me through many struggles and allows me to face a life that I am a little disappointed by and have some reluctance about entering further into my future, but my faith in an infinite God gives me the strength to continue to face every day and face my difficulties and fear head on. As I developed my understanding and relationship with my Infinite God, I developed a sort of "creed" that say to myself when I'm scared or angry. It's a simple question and answer dialogue, but it sums up much of my faith and my trust.

This is my creed:

What do you believe?:

In an infinite God.

What do you believe about this infinite God?:

I believe He has a creative capacity that extends beyond the imaginations of humanity by an infinite number.

What do believe this Infinite God did with His infinite creative capacity?:

I believe He created an existence that is truly infinite to mirror His own infinity, both as the greatest demonstration of His power as well as a massive platform for His glory.

How do you think this Infinite God views you?:

I believe He loves me like a son, even given my many mistakes, failures, shortcomings, and sins.

Even given how small I am compared to His infinite creation as well as His infinite self.

So much so, that He sent Jesus to this tiny, tiny world to be a sacrifice that pays for all of my sins and mistakes so I can spend eternity with my infinite God exploring His endless creation.

With this belief system, fear is rendered impotent, and death holds no eternal sway.


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