The Seven Pillars of Creation


     Existence is a complex place. Many chemicals, many structures, and many places. In my thoughts, I've narrowed existence down to seven foundational "pillars." They are, in order of most important to least, 

1. The mind/consciousness

2. Abstract ideas

3. Physical forms

4. Space

5. Time

6. Energy

7. Substance/matter

Everything we know to exist falls under these pillars. 

With each pillar, infinity can be tied into it in some way, creating a truly infinite, limitless system.

    The mind is the most important, by far. Without the individual human mind, every person would not have the ability to intake and process the external reality nor develop its own ideas and understanding. Taking it deeper, I view existence as a whole as the projection of the thoughts of an infinite mind, so the mind takes an even more foundational role with that taken into consideration.

    Abstract ideas are second on the list of importance because they are the natural product of any mind. Thoughts form ideas, and ideas are the first step in the development and creation of realities and an external existence. They are timeless. Entropy and decay has no effect on them. Ideas are just the constructs of meaning a mind makes with its thoughts.  There are also an infinite amount of unique abstract ideas and unique ways of combining them with other ideas, making the pillar of abstract ideas infinitely complex.

    Physical forms come in third. They are physical structures, like shapes, symbols, and patterns, that are space-based instead of just abstract. They exist independently of substance and are also timeless. There are an infinite amount of them as well, enabled to exist by the next pillar's infinity; space with infinite possible dimensions.

 Space is 4th on the list as it is the first and primary foundation of a physical reality. There are 3 directly observable dimensions of space in our universe, but from the standpoint of this hypothesis there are realms of existence where the dimensions of space start becoming innumerable. Countless, and the complexity of those realms follows suit. Space has three clearly defineable spatial infinities. Expanse infinity: where you can move an object in any direction forever and not encounter any boundaries or "end" to space. Scale infinity: where you can zoom or scale down in smallness forever or zoom or scale up in bigness forever. Dimensional infinity: where the usual 3-dimensional space can have its dimensions multiplied by infinity.

Time is 5th. Even though in our reality, time and space are of the same fabric, time serves a different purpose than space does. Time is the parent of entropy, the decay of complex systems. Time is why those systems end eventually, and time is what allows for games, relationships, interactions, and strategies to unfold in a physical universe. Without time, no procedurally based system could carry out its function or purpose, or happen at all. Time can be configured in an infinite amount of ways to allow for infinitely complex systems to exist and run their course and an infinite amount of different types of games and relationships to occur.

Energy is 6th: energy is what gives physical objects the ability to move, and it is what powers physical systems and allows for them to operate. Without energy, physical realities would be cold, dark, dead, and inanimate. Energy, with respect to the infinite system, is limitless. There is a boundless supply of it across infinity.

The 7th, and from my view the least important of the pillars, is substance. Substance is the means by which physical forms and abstract information is projected into the awareness of conscious beings. Abstract information being projected into the minds of consciousness like humans through written word, art, and other media, and forms being projected into our awareness by the matter that makes up the objects we are looking at. It is the least important because it is the least deep of all of them. It is the tip of the iceberg, and the rest of the pillars are the rest of the iceberg. It's still important though. All of them are. And substance, within the broader infinite existence, can also be configured in an infinite amount of ways.


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