The Liberation Game

       So, a lot of my desires for my eternal existence with Jesus often includes exploring an existence teeming with life and having world upon world and culture upon culture, and me and my King and a few angels here and there exploring this existence endlessly.

    For me, another component of an eternal exploration is goals to achieve and objectives to complete. Purpose and meaning would be an essential component of my eternal life, and if I were to do something while exploring this existence, I would like a meaningful and purposeful goal to achieve and challenge overcome quite frequently, with some reprieve here and there.

       One of those purposes and meanings for me while I explore creation, is to be a liberator. I'd go into oppressed worlds and oppressed cultures, and I'd find creative ways to break the chains of oppression and slavery and set the oppressed free. I'd liberate the people of these worlds and cultures mentally, spiritually, economically, mobility-wise, socially, academically, politically, just a genuine well rounded and thorough liberation of the enslaved and oppressed of a world or culture.

        I would do this rather frequently in my eternal life. Maybe taking some reprieve in the throneroom of God and just chill with Jesus for a couple millenia, and then enter into the liberation game again and go liberate a few worlds from tyranny, evil, and subjugation and maybe interact with the people of those worlds in a friendly and positive way after the liberation. Maybe play some games and set up government and social systems that both maximize and protect Liberty and freedom. Then I'd leave that world, and liberate another one

God would allow oppression and bondage to exist in these worlds solely so at one point the system can be liberated and the oppressors beaten and overthrown.

There is far more glory in liberation than there is in conquest. Far more glory and grace in breaking chains than putting people in them.

Jesus knows this. That's why He is in the position He is in. 

Setting the oppressed free is one of the highest acts of love you could do as a person.

Doing this on occasion throughout eternity on billions of worlds and billions of cultures would be a glory and adventure that I would partake in almost as a leisure activity. I would liberate worlds for sport. In my mind, the fulfillment of liberating the oppressed and enslaved of worlds would be quite purposeful, meaningful, and satisfying. 

Being immersed in the glory and love of the Infinite God would be the pinnacle of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.

Regardless, liberating oppressed people throughout my eternal life would be a high calling for me.

"De Oppresso Liber"

Set the oppressed free


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