The Correlation Between Spiritual Warfare and Psychological Warfare

The greatest commonality between spiritual warfare and psychological warfare is that they are both fought abstractly.  Abstract information is the primary weapon of both. The use of abstract ideas to consolidate followers around an ideology and incentivize action is a major venue of psychological warfare. That's what Hitler did. That's what Stalin did.

 The primary method for carrying out psychological warfare is information mediums  that can transmit concepts and ideas into the minds of an audience, like books, movies, television, and the internet. The word "media" itself comes from the latin word for "middle." 

       Media is the area, or method, of transmission of information between one point in existence to a receiving audience in another point in existence, and media is the primary "battlefield" of psychological warfare and spiritual warfare in reality.

       Psychological warfare is highly correlated with spiritual warfare, but they are not entirely the same. Both operate primarily in the human mind, but spiritual warfare deals with dimensions and realms of existence quite inconceivable and extremely difficult to process for humans. It's a little on a different ballpark then the petty "capitalism vs communism-liberal vs conservative" contests we have on earth. 

The spiritual realm is far more advanced. Naturally so, since it is the realm of the broader infinity and the realm of the Infinite god. The wars there have more meaning,  more intensity, a higher purpose, and a bigger significance and depth than the ones we fight on earth. 

Our issues are trivial by comparison, but not completely insignificant. Spiritual warfare is very much happening in our realm, but, like psychological warfare, it is often fought abstractly and indirectly through proxy agents and methods. Mostly within the human mind, but that definitely doesn't deligitimize it. The human mind is an immensely powerful thing. The mind is the source of wars, and often the end of them too.


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