My Three Heavens

In my relationship with God, I often meditate on what heaven would be like for me. I have desires and dreams for eternity just like any other believer. The liberation from this world is always not far from my thoughts. For me, I've expressed to the Lord three desires for heaven that I've meditated on and thought a lot about.

1. Being in the Father's house:

    I have this dream, this desire, to have kind of a return to childhood and a return to innocence, where I dwell in God's palace and I have my own room to myself. God becomes a true father figure, taking care of me and mentoring me, and He's physically present. I have this desire because I never had a father permanently present in the household I grew up in. I've always wanted a more present and available father, and I would like God to fill that role in eternity.

2.  Exploring God's endless creation: The second dream of Heaven would be to explore His endless, limitless creation. Exploring world upon world and culture upon culture, traveling, studying, competing, and playing games with countless souls across countless worlds and realms of existence. This limitless liberty and endless opportunity would be one of the most fulfilling aspects of Heaven I can think of.

3.   Overcoming a challenge/defeating an enemy:

Another aspect of eternity I desire is fighting an enemy and overcoming a struggle or challenge. To not many people's surprise, I have a drive to defeat some sort of adversary and achieve a satisfying victory. To me, conflict and conflict resolution gives the highest purpose and highest meaning to my existence, and I would like to continue soldiering on for the Creator for at least part of eternity. Being a true warrior for God is something I desire. Its in my nature almost.

These three dreams of Heaven are something I meditate on quite frequently. Eternity's a big and complex place. I wouldn't be surprised if I could have all three.


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