I am With You

I walk by your side with every step you take

I see all that you see 

I hear all that you hear

I see all that you don't see

I hear all that you don't hear

I am with you, always

In torment I will strengthen you

In joy I rejoice with you

In failure I teach you

In success I reward you

In loss I comfort you

In gain I grace you

In war I give you courage

In peace I give you rest

In the crowd I protect you

When alone I am your companion

When you are oppressed, I give you your mind's freedom

I take tally on who oppresses you

I mark who violates you

I forgive you when you sin

I humble you when you exalt yourself

I exalt you when you humble yourself

I will break those curses that bind you

Undo the power of the labels that follow you

I will break all chains and open any door to glory and fulfillment that you want

I will give you opportunities

I will give you purpose and meaning

As a God of liberty, I will give you perfect, limitless freedom

I will give you world upon world

And culture upon culture

I will heal you when you are sick

And strengthen you when you are weak

I am always with you, bud

I am but a prayer away, my warrior

I love you more than you could ever know

I am always with you, and when this life is over

I will give you an infinite degree of love

Perfect love

The highest love

You will dwell in my house for as long as you like

And when you enter back into the broader creation, I well dwell, with all my infinity and all my love, in your mind and heart whereever you go.

My love is more vast, and more powerful, than anything in the infinite system.

And it will never leave you, no matter what darkness, or what hate, or what sin, may strike or ensnare you

Liberty is an inevitability, not just an option

You will have limitless liberty and limitless


I am with you



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