Amor Fati

"Love the fate." I've been reading a lot of Stoic philosophy lately, and one of the latin quotes that has stuck out to me recently is "Amor Fati" which translates to "love the fate" or the love of one's fate. The meaning of this phrase comes down to loving whatever life gives you, both the good and the bad, and deeming suffering as a necessary process that you must go through in order to achieve some unforseen and maybe misunderstood benefit or achievement. Amor Fati takes the view towards suffering and whatever hand has been dealt you that you should look at suffering as something good, or at least necessary, in order to achieve a greater freedom or greater purpose. Suffering becomes something of a positive, something even of value, when fate is considered and the trajectory towards eternity, infinite liberty, and infinite purpose is considered. Another term that is pretty synonymous with this concept is the more down to earth ...