Liberty, Love, Glory, and Infinity

  These are by far my favorite concepts to think about and talk about. They are probably my favorite things God created out of all the things I can think of. 

      Since I believe the mind of God is infinite and so is His creation, I believe that there are an infinite amount of abstract concepts and ideas He created within His mind. An infinite amount of unique, individual concepts, as well as an infinite amount of different forms of each concept. There are also an infinite amount of ways of combining them with other concepts.

Liberty, love, and glory are amongst the countless ideas of God. To me, infinite liberty would be the limitlessness of choice and opportunity within an infinite system. If existence is infinite and eternal, then liberty would be an absolute and unfettered, with no serious inhibition or oppression within the system, and within an eternal timeframe the ability to experience all that God and His creation have to offer would be a guarantee over time.

You can truly be whatever you want to be. The dream of any conscious being is liberty, and it is a desire wired into humanity by our very genes and nature. The desire to be free is universal. No one wants bondage. I just take it to an infinite degree in terms of God's boundless and endless liberty.

Amongst God's countless concepts, Love, I believe, is the highest. Even higher than liberty. Giving created consciousness liberty is, after all, just an act of love if you break it down. Liberty is high, but love is still higher. They are related to each other and can combine with each other in an infinite amount of ways. Love is more than just a feeling. It is a force. An entity in its own right.

        Within an infinite existence, I believe there are countless forms of it, and countless acts of it. Love can be felt in intensity and potency to a degree of the highest order. Infinite in degrees and infinite in its relationships with existence, God, and created beings like us.

The human mind can't handle, and can't fathom, the depth, scope, degrees, and power of God's infinite love.

As far as glory goes? It's, well, just as infinite as the rest of them. God's presence Himself is just pure glory. An intense combination of love and glory that would blow our minds and spirits away if we felt it to its fullest. 

Only God can truly handle that intensity.

There are an infinite amount of ways of getting glory in an infinite creation, yes, but more importantly there is an infinite amount of ways of bringing glory to the creator within His creation. Something that I have to remember in my relationship with Him and my status as a human. God's really the only one worthy of glory because God is the only one perfect enough to handle it. 

He shares it with us though. In small doses

Just like He shares His infinite love and liberty

I think about this stuff and write about because its extremely therapeutic. If what I believe is true, then my existence is going to be exciting, rewarding and full of purpose beyond the imaginations of humanity, and I will enjoy perfect liberty, perfect love, and flawless glory.

Heaven's a big place and eternity is a long time to be fully immersed in the liberty, love, and glory of God.


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