Jesus is For the Weak

Of course He is. That's the whole point. I've heard a lot of people from more secular circles talk about how only weak and frightened people turn to religion or come to Jesus. My response to this is simply "so what?" 

That's what Jesus is for. Giving strength and hope to the weak and meek, and giving courage to the frightened.

Jesus was smart enough to know that, like sin, weakness wasn't an inherent trait of someone's very being. It could be corrected and strengthened, and it didn't have to be a lifelong, condemnable circumstance. 

And like sin, Jesus in all His infinite potency is in the best position to correct weakness of the mind and spirit as easily as He forgives sins and mistakes.

You look at the gospels, and you see Jesus healing hopeless, seemingly permanent afflictions like blindness, leprocy, demonic possession(mental illness), lameness, etc.  Even something as permanent as death with the raising of Lazarus (or with Jesus' ressurection itself) was demonstrated by the Christ to be not as permanent as it seemed.

Nothing in life is permanent. That can include sickness and weakness if the society or culture is smart enough, ethical enough, compassionate enough, and diligent/dedicated enough to make that the reality.

Only the Devil in all his deceptiveness and predatory nature would make it seem as if afflictions like weakness and sickness were permanent and condemnable in people. Only him and people who think like him would dehumanize the weak and meek enough to justify their ostracization and potential elimination from society.

God gives strength to the weak and courage to the fearful for this primary reason; it gives Him glory when he helps improve someone. It gives humans a level of glory and achievement when they strengthen and protect the vulnerable and weak as well. 

The Infinite God loves an underdog. Helping the seemingly lesser and weaker person defeat a stronger threat or overcome an insurmountable obstacle demonstrates God's might and power far higher then helping an already advantaged person gain even more advantage. There is far less glory in helping the advantaged.

Maybe we can stand to learn a lesson through this approach. If you strengthen weakness instead of condemn it, the outcome for both the strengthener as well as the weak person is far more beneficial, far more dignified, and far more rewarding. The strengthener gets the glory and achievement by making someone stronger, and the weak person gets the benefit of no longer being weak. A far more noble arrangement than dismissing weakness as inherent in someone.

God gives me my strength. The fact that I believe in a loving, merciful, Infinite God like Jesus gives me the strength and courage to face an uncertain and restrictive life. If I didn't have the strength of God, facing my demons and the evil in my life would be an insurmountable obstacle. This is why Jesus deserves the glory for my victories. Without Him, I am too weak to win. Jesus is for the weak. In a world of predators, it's the weak and vulnerable who need Him the most.


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