Genius and Oppression

"They (geniuses) fall into the mire while looking at the stars"

-Arthur Schopenhauer, referencing the tendency of the brilliant to fail to adapt to the more mundane and tedious aspects of life and whose brilliance is often crushed out of them by a relentless and brutal world.

If there is one threat to power and oppression that is greater than any bomb, bullet, or weapon could ever be, it is creativity and intelligence.

      Certain kinds of intelligence have always been a threat to power and established systems of authority, sometimes to such a degree that those systems dispatch or neutralize those "dangerous" people before they cause too many problems. 

      Some of the greatest atrocities ever committed have been committed on some of the most brilliant of people. Just imagine if Einstein was killed before relativity was developed as a theory, or if Plato was murdered in his youth. Unfortunately this has happened to some, and continues to happen.

Genius is intimidating. Genius is threatening. Sometimes a brilliant idea from a brilliant person can overtake the minds of a great many people and revamp systems, reengineer authority, and change the world. This is why some types of brilliance is weeded out quite early on in a lot of places. Its the smart kids in school who often get brutalized the most, at least the ones with less protection, and often the education systems in many countries stifle creative and free thought to suit a particular agenda. 

Brilliance is always a threat to darkness and dark agendas. It's the smart people who are often eliminated first by tyranny. They are the biggest threats.

Ideas are more powerful than bombs. Its ideas that start wars and often finish them.

The brilliant systems of liberty and opportunity were designed by some pretty beautiful and intelligent people. You can often gauge a society's level of liberty and free thought by how it treats its genius and its brilliant people. The oppressive and tyrannical systems will always treat these people poorly and cripple them. 

Brilliance is both a product of liberty as well as  a catalyst for it. If you treat your brilliant people terribly, freedom is harder to maintain and nurture. Genius and liberty are self-reinforcing. It's very difficult for one to exist without the other.


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