Angels and Faith
One of the ways I cope with life sometimes, when I feel like I have been treated unfairly, or feel as if the world has been quite vicious to me as well as people I know who have suffered immensely, is pray. What a shocker haha. But not just pray. I try to remember the few times I have felt the presence of something much more powerful than any human or force. Those few times, quite a few actually, where I felt like I was feeling the presence of the Divine, something that I feel like I could never explain to people or expect them to understand or even believe. I have had experiences where I could have sworn I have seen angels which were almost like faint apparitions coming from an opening in the space surrounding them. I saw only smiles and eyes, and the outlines of what looked like wings, transparent and so faint that if you werent looking at that precise spot you wouldnt see a thing. I have had dreams of temples, with columns like the parthenon. I have had sensations and tho...